Knowledge And Wisdom: Islamic Viewpoint. We begin our first lesson with Knowledge and Wisdom, which is the first and original pillar of human distinctions and specialties. In the very first revelation to the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) we read, Read in the name of your Lord Who created. He created man from a clot.According to Hassan (2009), t he concept of wisdom in Islam denotes the combinat ion of fikr (thinking) and zikr (remembrance). Thinking as a function of the human brain is the same08/01/2016 · Seeing everything around him with wisdom is the best means of referring to Allah and remembering Him at every moment, as Allah tells us in the verse, “an instruction and a reminder for every ...With the spirit of knowledge and wisdom Islam carried its followers forward on a wave of progress, and enabled them to achieve a high degree of intellectual and material development. Up to the time of the Islamic dispensation the Arab world, which restricted within the peninsula of Arabia, had shown no signs of intellectual growth.01/05/2007 · Ancient Roman orator, Cicero said; "The function of wisdom is to discriminate between good and evil." The Ancient Greek philosopher, Plato, suggested that the four cardinal virtues are wisdom, courage, self-control and justice. In Islam, wisdom is always linked to virtue. "You shall not accept any information, unless you verify it for yourself.
How is wisdom linked to virtue in Islam?How is wisdom linked to virtue in Islam?What is the meaning of wisdom in the Quran?What is the meaning of wisdom in the Quran?What is the importance of knowledge in Islam?What is the importance of knowledge in Islam?What are the four cardinal virtues of Islam?What are the four cardinal virtues of Islam?
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