Even after salvation, we dwell in a sin-cursed flesh, which means that our human wisdom is also sin-cursed. When we are going through tough times, we are faced with a choice to trust divine wisdom or to trust human understanding. Therefore, we have to combat the tendency to rely on human intelligence.The Bible seems to say that wisdom is a cluster of virtues which include prudence, knowledge and discretion. The foolish lack prudence and discretion. Is it fair to say that the foolish can gain God's wisdom? (I think this is another suggestion that God's wisdom changes us. It takes away our foolishness.8 Wisdom brings knowledge, discernment, and understanding together and puts them to work. In fact, some of the original Bible words translated “wisdom” literally mean “effectual working” or “practical wisdom.”. So Jehovah’s wisdom is not merely theoretical. It is practical, and it works.The wisdom and understanding of our own divine essence is like a beacon that invites us inward toward ever deeper connection with ourselves and with all around us. Yet rather than look within, most prefer to look outward for wisdom, thus sustaining a dependence on a vast hierarchy that stretches between the individual and the Divine.01/06/2008 · You asked: Torah, you say, is divine wisdom.If so, why is it full of animals' hooves and fish's scales, goring oxen and adulterous human beings? Let's take a look at the initial entry-level: Moses takes the people to the foot of a mountain in the Sinai Desert and they hear G‑d.What does G‑d have to say in His first and only presentation to an entire mass of people?Divine Divine Wisdom is not restricted to the Tora alone.The ability to read its letters right in the same sense as the writer they intended demands Divine Wisdom as well. The danger is great that the high levelled studied professionals put G-d in the prison of their learnt knowledge.Wisdom is that which God gives to men so that they might know His plan for them. Finally, wisdom dwells with God — it is something of or intimately from God Himself: “For she is a breath of the power of God, and a pure emanation of the glory of the Almighty …
What does it mean to operate in divine wisdom?What does it mean to operate in divine wisdom?What is the difference between wisdom and divine wisdom?What is the difference between wisdom and divine wisdom?What is the wisdom of God?What is the wisdom of God?Does God expect us to manifest divine wisdom?Does God expect us to manifest divine wisdom?
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