Divine Wisdom International Schools Excellence without Compromise 2022:OUR YEAR OF FULFILMENT OF PROPHECIES.Login to SchoolPro. Forgot password? Do not have an account? Sandhya InfoSolutions21/09/2014 · The Divine Wisdom School Sunday, September 21, 2014. What Is Divine Wisdom? Divine Wisdom is knowledge that is inherent from within. It is life's gift bestowed upon you at birth. It is that spark that ignites the fire and light from within you. And it will guide you to your highest expression of your true authentic Self.The Divine Wisdom academy School came into existence when Kennedy Aboagye, a trained teacher, was introduced to a small community in the eastern part of Ghana without a single private school. Ken opened the doors of his school on …Divine Wisdom School was established in 2011 and running under Lala Atma Ram Memorial Society. Among prominent schools of the region Divine Wisdom School occupies a place of pride. It was established in 2011 after the formation of Lala Atma Ram Memorial Society. Since inception, it has shown a tremendous growth and progress.Robust admin is super flexible, powerful, clean & modern responsive bootstrap 4 admin template with unlimited possibilities.WELCOME TO THE WISDOM SCHOOL. Home of Kali-Ki Reiki: A yogic healing lineage inspired by the Divine Feminine. Our Mission. We are a kula (community) devoted to transformational healing of all aspects of the being—. physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. We practice, teach, and share Kali-Ki Reiki as a heartfelt path to wholeness, wisdom ...The Wisdom School was founded primarily to usher Kali-Ki Reiki™, a new lineage of reiki energy healing, into the world.Kali-Ki was revealed to Rajashree Maa (Joni Dittrich, Ph.D.) beginning in 2008 through a series of meditative visions, symbols and messages from the Divine Mother.. The message was clear that this new healing lineage is intended for the challenging times we …
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